Monday, September 24, 2007


Last night we began Mosaic worship. I really didn't know what to expect, and was worried we had not planned in enough detail. I rushed back to the church after a Gen Conf Delegation meeting in Columbia, to find the chapel set up for worship, looking great. Some folks were enjoying the coffee, water, and cookies set up in the narthex, and the youth praise band was waiting for me to join them in a prayer time.

But worship began and the different ones did their parts. I had to breathe deeply several times to settle my urges to step in and move things along, but actually it flowed well. I estimated about 60 present, the majority youth.

Our theme was Pilate's question to Jesus "What is truth?" After some singing and a "get to know you" ice-breaker, we watched a video clip with the kind of "person on the street interviews." Nearly everyone on the video expressed the postmodern view that truth is what each person believes is true, that there is no absolute standard of truth. Then everyone broke up into small groups for discussion on this. We had prayer time, then I wrapped up the discussion with a short talk on encountering truth, not just as knowledge, but as relationship, an encounter with the reality of Jesus Christ. We celebrated Holy Communion and closed with a time of thanksgiving and singing.

I confess I have mixed feelings this morning about the service. The big positive is that those who were present gave thanks that we had begun Mosaic. I have some disappointment about the absence of some parents and young adults who'd expressed interest in the service. Part of me wants to push toward a more "polished" look and feel to the service. But I also realize I'm the only one I know of with that issue. The participants seemed to be OK with the very casual nature of the liturgy. Well, we've begun, and we'll learn, and we'll see what picture of worship emerges for us.

1 comment:

Jim Elder said...


I think that you will find Mosaic evolving into its own personality. As it evolves, people will step in and step out, be enthused and be complacent - not much different from the more traditional church. However, if the young adults/youth believe that it's their service to pull together, they will pull together and it will become a powerful pull to that age group - and even some parents will get caught up in it.

I attended such a service in Birmingham, predominately run by youth and young adults. Interestingly, they didn't use live music for worship, it was all recorded. But the service was powerful and grew to averaging over 600 people, mostly youth and young adults but I was surprised at how many adults came, hung in the back, and were moved by the service.

I wish Mosaic the best in God's blessing. I wish I could be part of it!